
Project to Improve Productivity and

Competitiveness of the Palm Oil sector ( APROCOM-PH )


Project Executing Agency:  United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Supervisory body:Intergovernmental Group on Oils, Oilseeds and Fats                                                                    
Project duration :      48 months
Main Ministries concerned:–  Ministry of Mines, Industries and Technological Development-     Department of Commerce-     Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development-     Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development-     Ministry of Finance
Financial partners:–     Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)-    The Governments of the Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria-  United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)-     Pilot sites in Cameroon and Nigeria-     The National Unions of Palm Oil Producers of Cameroon and Nigeria
The project’s objectives:–     The long-term objective of the project is to promote the development of sustainable production and use of oil palm in Central and West African countries, with a focus on markets as the driving force behind such sectoral development. The project aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty in rural areas where oil palm is widely cultivated, through the creation of jobs in both rural and urban areas and the creation of added value with a view, at the end of account, to improve the economy of the target countries.
Project components:–     Improvement of technological inputs and skills in the sector through technology transfer.-     Capacity building for the sustainable development and supply of fresh palm fruit bunches to oil mills.-     Improved market access and competitiveness of palm oil produced in the region.
Pilot sites:4 in Cameroon-     Green Valley Plantation, Bakingili-Limbe, Fako Department, South West Region-     GIC BAMSO, Sombo, Nyong and Kelle Department, Center Region-     Ejagham Oil Palm Cooperative in Mkpot, Manyu Division, South West Region-     Teze-Ngie of the Multipurpose Cooperative Society , Momo Division, North West Region2 in Nigeria-Igbotako     -Ondo State-Abak     -Akwa Ibom State
Expected results and impacts:The project will contribute to slowing down the rural exodus.In particular, the project aims to achieve:-  The development of policies favorable to investment in the oil palm sector in the region.-   The promotion of a crude palm oil processing industry linked to global supply chains.-     Improving the marketing of finished products by establishing links (downstream and upstream as well as vertically and horizontally) between the various actors along the value chain.-     Sustainable supply of basic products, determining for the development of industries in a long-term perspective.-     Strengthening the capacity of target organizations to provide extension services to small farmers.-   Promoting a private sector-led regional association of palm oil producers to address regional issues regarding palm oil production, processing and marketing.
Project launch dateThe project was officially launched in March 2007
Local technical partnersTo support the Project, MINMIDT encouraged the creation of an association of palm fruit processing equipment manufacturers (ACET-FP)Signature of a collaboration protocol with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique for the development of local palm oil processing technologies
Diverse activitiesHolding of several seminars to strengthen the technical capacities of ACET-FP members
Work currently underway in Cameroon–    Construction (civil works) completed of hangars in three sites of Sombo, Mpot and Teze-    Civil engineering works on the Bakingili site completed-    Creation of a nursery in each pilot site
Works in the coming months–    Start of the implementation of the component relating to the transfer of technologies in the sites thanks to the award, by UNIDO, to a local company, of the contract for the construction of equipment for the various oil mills
OutlookThere is currently a study aimed at making the project sustainable. Given that the first phase of the project ends in 2014, the sustainability program will make it possible to monitor and supervise the activities of the pilot sites after the departure of UNIDO and to contribute to the selection of new pilot sites for the 2nd phase .