Cameroon has significant mineral resources largely under exploited. The contribution of the mining sector (excluding oil) in the GDP is still marginal (less than 1%).

In its (2035) long-term vision, Cameroon intends to join the ranks of emerging countries with a strong industrial and mining sector.
To accelerate industrialization, the country intends in its Growth and Employment Strategy (GESP), to intensify the exploration, exploitation and processing of mineral resources, attracting investors in these activities with high capital and technological intensity.
The exploitation of known future world class deposits will significantly boost this sector.

•  The essential of solid mining is confined more or less in the informal sector of artisanal mining.
•  No industrial exploitation of mineral substance on which a concession can be signed has yet emerged in Cameroon
•  Low dissemination of existing geological potential;
•  Lack of geological and mining data :
– Absence of complete and reliable coverage in strategic geochemical and alluvial prospection
– Cartography at 1/500 000 based on obsolete techniques (geochemistry, geochronology, GIS, ferromagnetism…..)
•  Low development of basic infrastructure (ports, roads, railways, energy);
•  Existence of institutions for the organization and management of the sector (MINIMIDT, IRGM, …) and many more being created (National Mining Corporation, National Geological Service, mining cadastre, mining promotion agency;
•  Existence of a renovated legal and regulatory framework (Law of 2010 on the Mining Code supplementing that of 2001);

In this context of Cameroon’s mining strategy is as follows:

Axis 1 : Improving the legal, regulatory and institutional framework (to make it more adapted to the requirements of the current economic and social context)

1.  Finalization of the text of applications of the Mining Code
2.  Institution of accompanying structures (National Mining Corporation, National Geological Service ….)
3.  Finalization and dissemination of the mining policy
4.  Capacity building of the sector management structures (human, material and financial Precasem ..)

Axis 2 : Development and improvement of the knowledge on mineral potential

a.  Elaboration of reliable geological maps and data (map at 1/200000) (updating mining data)
b.  Establishment of a Geological and Mining Information System (MMIS)
c.  Dissemination and promotion of geo-scientific data

Axis 3: Improving the exploitation of mineral resources

a.  Facilitating the development of synergies between the various stakeholders of the sector (forum, a platform of exchange)
b.  Establishment of an attractive fiscal framework
c.  Promotion of mineral resources at the national and international level
d.  Supervision and modernization of artisanal mining
e.  Reinforcing support infrastructure to exploitation activities
f.   Renforcement des infrastructures de soutien aux activités d’exploitations (railway lines, roads, ports)
g.  Promotion of employment in the mining sector

Axis 4 : Development of mineral resources (processing)

a.  Support the establishment of training facilities in the fields of the mining industry
b.  Support the development of local SMEs in the extractive industries
c.  Establishment of financing mechanisms of industrial actors (joint ventures)

As a conclusion:

a.  This strategy will favour the expansion of the mining sector which, truly, will position itself as an engine of renewed growth.
b.  “ In addition, the development of the mining sector through its ensuing effects on the rural sector and its relative importance in the country’s economic structure, is an important anchor around which can articulate the creation of wealth and jobs, as well as the fight against poverty”